“Ella Es el Matador is highly successful point-of-view work that exposes the world of the bullfight through the unique perspective of these unusual insiders.”
—Kate Taylor, The Globe and Mail, Toronto
“Ella Es el Matador captures [matador] Vega in some stunning moments that are both poetic and frightening. You may not become a fan of bullfighting, but after viewing Cubero and Carrasco’s fine film, you will not be able to ignore its noble, if troubling, beauty.”
—Belinda Acosta, Austin Chronicle
“Required viewing for anyone fascinated with the notion of female bullfighters in Spain.”
—Bust Magazine
“Gemma Cubero and Celeste Carrasco discover a long and surprising history of women with a passion for this theatrical and bloody ritual.”
—”Here on Earth,” Wisconsin Public Radio
“Thanks to the consistently illuminating POV series, PBS-ready households are in store for another small treat this week… Ella Es el Matador makes its point by humanizing its subjects.”
—Michael Tully, Hammer to Nail
“Esta película está llena de ternura, de emoción de color y de luz.” / “This film is thrilling, tender filled with color and light.”
—Yolanda Flores, del programa de RNE “De Película“