Fun Visit to Kapaa Highschool in Kauai!

Wonderful visit to Kapaa High School in Kauai as part of the Hawai’i International Film Festival Educational Program. Great media teachers and bright students with poignant questions! Thank you Kapaa High School and Jen Pastores & Amy from HIFF 2019 for this opportunity to share Our Atoll Speaks!


Súper bonita visita al instituto de Kapaa en Kauai – los profesores y estudiantes súper interesantes con preguntas geniales. Un gusto de visita dentro del programa educativo de Hiff! Gracias Kapaa High school y gracias HIFF!

Kapaa HIghschool Students and Teachers group photo after Gemma/s school visit.
Students watching Our Atoll Speaks.
Gemma answering questions about her filmmaking life.
Wonderful media teachers and Kapaa High School. Thank you for your invitation.
Gemma with Amy and Jen Pastores from HIFF Educational Program. Thank you for our wonderdulm time and the work you do with youth.